Cr248 - the Crosley Songwriter

Cr248 - Crosley Songwriter :Convert Records to Cds convert records to cds with Cr248

Do you have a bunch of record albums that have just been sitting around but you wish you could find the time to listen to these classics again? Did you know that each time you play a classic record you lose just a little bit of high frequency response? Rather than risking further damage it would be great to digitize and preserve these record because on the flip side, physical records actually reproduce sound at a higher quality than typical CDs recorded at 44.1 kHz. How can you do this? There is definitely a solution to this problem that you can do right away-

The Crosley Songwriter cr248 CD Burner

. You just take your old vinyl records and convert them to CD in minutes using this simple device. The Songwriter CD Burner lets you record your classic record collection to a digital audio format and preserve the high quality sound onto compact disc. Once on the disc, the quality of the sound will not degenerate further, but remain the same since it is now digital data and you can do no damage by repeat listenings.

You can further convert these to mp3s for easy transfer to your ipod as well once you have them on CD by using Itunes. The Crosley Songwriter also allows you to record from cassette to CD. In the case you want to just listen to some of your collection that you don't want to transfer, you can use the 3 speed turntable for this purpose also. Preserve your memories and entire record collection with the Songwriter, get it here.


You probably have a large investment sitting in a box somewhere, so by getting this all in one record player/converter you will once again be able to enjoy these classics and relive some great memories. The classic look of the cherry wood looks great. This unit works better if you have alot of Albums to transfer rather than singles. This is a practical, good looking all in one solution.

cr248 convert records to cds


Other alternatives to the Crosley Songwriter are to do the conversion yourself by piecing together the components. You will need:

a record player / turntable , a computer with CD writer / CD burner, an amplifier between the record player and the computer sound input and a 2 track audio editing software package that will allow you to digitize the amplified record player sound coming in from your audio card. It is important to match levels between the record player and amplifier output to avoid distorting the input to the sound card prior to the analog to digital conversion. Digital distortion is not pleasant so it is suggested you check any first recording before making alot of them using this method. Once you have successfully captured the audio in the 2 track audio software, you can then output it to CD using CD burning software. This setup can be time consuming though and some of the all-in-one solutions may help keep the project easy and basically just flip a switch and let another album convert to digital without hooking up all of the components, wires, tying up the computer, gainstaging and finally having to sacrifice relatively large amounts of hard disk space on your computer (usual 44.1 khz stereo files take about 10 Mb per stereo minute).

Still there are many ways to get the sound into digital form which is long lasting, does not further degrade in quality and is portable. Above all else the process may make you listen to and take the time to enjoy some long forgotten great recordings.


The Stanton Record Cleaning Set will help keep the crackling to a minimum while making transfers:
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